Friday, November 30, 2012

Follow Up

Blueberry's Mom asks if the lake freezes, do I get to go skating...


Sorry, where I live it is a humid subtropical climate, hot and humid with average temps averaging near 90 degrees F (32C) and lows near 70 F (21C)in the summer. Winter temps average 60F (16C) with lows near 38F (3C). January highs often are in the 50's (10C) with lows near freezing at night. The waters never freeze.




Flea wanted to know how many birds I caught. BOL. My Human likes to photograph birds, so I sit and wait, I don't chase. Sometimes, when working on my retrieving I will find and flush a bird hiding in cover. But once it is up, I just watch and hope my Human is fast enough to catch the flight.


Sam asked, with so many birds if it got messy. Actually, no because they are out on the water following the fish up the waterways.


Kim at Golden Pines asks "around the holidays there is always a lot to contemplate, isn't there?”


Dakota at Dakota's Den asks if I'm wondering where Jumper is.

Sugar asks "what are you contemplating?" and "do you know contemplating is a big word?"

Sugar, I didn’t realize that “contemplating” was a big word.

BZ training said, don't leave us hanging! What are you contemplating? --- I didn't..I answered in the Mischief Monday post. If you missed it, some of the pictures are below.

Goose says "what ya thinking Hawk?"

I didn’t leave y’all hangin’…I answered y’all on Monday Mischief.  If you didn’t catch it…



And Sugar wanted to know what kind of birds these are…the white ones are sea gulls and the black ones are cormorants.


Y’all come back now!



(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)



Thursday, November 29, 2012

Number 11271


Hi Y’all!

This is a male, possible Chesapeake Bay Retriever mix located in Portsmouth, Ohio.  He is known as number 11271.

This is a fairly young very friendly fellow.

This is a kill shelter.  Below is the information copied from their website:

Who We Are
We are a very rural kill shelter but we are the only shelter in Scioto County at this time! We do put dogs to sleep every Tuesday. IF you see a dog you like PLEASE DO NOT wait until Tuesday to call!!! We are full each and every week so we do Euth to make room for the new dogs coming in.
Please try to help us get these dogs/puppies out and into rescues or adopted into forever homes.

We DO NOT HAVE transportation available, if you want a dog you need to make arrangements to get it picked up.


Please spread the word.  Click on the dog’s number or picture to go to his Petfinder page.  Please visit the shelter site for other dogs or more info.

Please readers, tweet or share with anyone you know who might be able to rescue a dog from Portsmouth, Ohio!













































































Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Early on a Frosty Morn


Hi Y’all!


Weather here at the shore has been a wee bit chilly for my Human, but perfect for me! 


We’ve had some early frost.  Way too early.  We usually don’t see this until January.








Kind of looks like snow, doesn’t it?


Y’all come back now!




Monday, November 26, 2012

Mischief in Flight


Hi Y’all!



This time of year is when we see birds passing through on their way to South America or birds who winter here. 

Often the water is packed with birds, all trying to get some fish to eat.


Thousands of birds fly for miles following the fish.


The water is so full I don’t see how they can move.


Diving for dinner.







There is a whirring whooshing sound made by all those wings as they sore past us or prepare to splash down.


Now y’all know what I was contemplating!


Y’all come back now!




Friday, November 23, 2012

Follow Up Friday!



Hi Y’all!

First let me say I hope all my Blogville, USA friends had a wonderful Thanksgiving!P1010032

Second, today we once more join Heart Like a Dog in Follow Up Friday and answer all your questions…I hope.

Third, I’d like to apologize for the disappearing blog post. It went up as usual at 12:01am Eastern Time. My Human linked it with the BlogPaws Wordless Wednesday blog hop and then as has been the Human habit for most of this week, they were off. When they arrived home, late for my supper, I was eager first to eat and go for a walk, even if it was dark, and second to see who I’d missed seeing…only the blog post was gone! Gone! My Human quickly reloaded it for me. So those visiting prior to 7:15pm, you missed this picture…P1160400

Now, to y’alls’ questions…starting with Sugar’s question on last Fridays answers…This mountain is the Road…Sugar asks…if I knew the ridge that makes up the Roan supports hundreds of acres of rhododendrons that bloom in early summer. Yes Sugar…here I am with the flowering beauties!

There are also many other unique plants growing in the unique ecosystem. 

Dakota, from Dakota’s Den asked if Jumper is a Sheltie…I think he is...pure bred.

Goose asked if I meant to tell him that fish simply wash ashore. Yes Goose, the dead ones…and often that means buzzards, lots of them!

P1160376Haopee at My Dogs Love Me asks if Jumper is a new friend or hiking buddy. Jumper and his humans are visiting from the mountains. He is a cousin, in human terms.

Haopee also asked about “no snow”…if we have snow…no not here at the shore, but we do get snow when we are in the mountains during the winter.

Molly the Wally and Emily at Adventures of a Dog Mom wanted to know if we rolled in the dead fish? No Molly, neither of us were interested in rolling in the P1160383

dead fish. I don’t do things like that and besides, we were having too much fun playing to be bothered. Fred and Gloria wanted to know what Jumper did with the fish. Jumper was just curious and sniffed it. He’d never seen a dead fish before.

Blueberry wanted to know if there was an admission charge of one dead fish to get a golf cart ride.P1160405

No Blueberry. If you are my guest here at the shore, I share my golf cart with you. I have one of my Humans drive us all around!

Jessica at You did what with your weiner? Asked if we could feel the wind in our faces? You bet! My Human Papa drives FAST!


Bart and Ruby from Rottrover asked where we were off to? All over! We went out on the island and down to see my Human uncle! Fun!


Y’all come back now!