Hi Y’all!
Y’all come back now!
Hi Y’all!
Y’all come back now!
Hi Y’all!
Dawn comes early this time of year.
Summer’s heat breeds thunderstorms and with them beautiful rainbows.
Flowers and farmers’ crops need the rains to survive.
But despite the daily storms there is plenty of sun and fun!
Retreat is a requirement during the heat of the day…but evening brings with it storms and often beautiful sunsets.
Have a wonderful weekend y’all!
Y’all come back now!
Hi Y’all!
Once more a Friday has sneaked up and another weekend awaits! As has been my custom, I’ll finish another week answering your queries.
First, let me go back a week to the snake rhyme and answer OZ who asked me to be sure we have the right colors touching…
There are several variations of the rhyme. One is red touch yellow bad for a fellow and one is red touch yellow kill the fellow. Please note that this rhyme applies ONLY in the Southeastern U.S. Water moccasins, copperheads, and rattlesnakes are vipers and do not have colored bands. The rhyme doesn't apply in the western U.S. at all.
Oz the Terrier and Flea wanted to know where I got the huge tennis ball!
Here is the link to Jeffers Pet Supply. I’m sure you can find the balls in other pet stores which carry Kong toys.
Kari in Alaska wants to know if that is a giant tennis ball or did I shrink?
Kind of difficult to tell from that picture…
Hope I didn’t miss anyone’s questions!
Have a great weekend y’all!
Y’all come back now!
Hi Y’all!
All Things Collie was kind enough to think of me for a Versatile Blogger Award. It just has me all excited! I love receiving awards. I love giving awards!
I’m supposed to do the following:
Add the Versatile Blogger award photo on a blog post.
Thank the person who presented you with the award and link back to him or her in your post.
Pass the award along to 15 favorite bloggers. Contact the chosen bloggers and let them know about the award.
Now to pass the Award on to 15 pet bloggers. I realize some of you may have previously received this Award. Please accept it again in the spirit it is given.
No Filter Between Brain and Mouth
I could just keep on naming blogs I love to visit, but I thought this was a good place to stop.
Y’all come back now!
Hi Y’all!
Y’all hurry back now!
Hello, my name is Freida!
I love to meet other dogs and people and make new friends!
I was sent here from a rural shelter. I love having a place to run and romp and play. I love having a chance to learn new stuff!
I’m about 3 years old in human years. Learning new things is a must in any forever home. I’ve been introduced to a crate and have learned that it is my “bedroom”, a place where I can retreat. I’m learning how to properly walk on a leash, too. Don’t worry about guests either…I know how to properly introduce myself.
I’ve already been spayed, wormed and microchipped. All you need to do is want someone to love and I will give you my love in return.
Saving Grace Animals for Adoption, Wake Forest, NC
Telephone: 919-518-1180
Email: SavingGrace@nc.rr.com
All information and photos are courtesy of Petfinders.com and Saving Grace.
Click on any picture or her name to go to Freida’s Petfinder page.
Hi Y’all!
It’s too hot in these parts for any real mischief.
The most mischief I got into was to launch myself, in the best Chessie style, into the water, toy in mouth, and cause a mallard to make a quick exit from the shoreline.
A whistle brought me up short and I waded out of the water, leaving the ducks in peace.
Y’all come back now!
Hi Y’all!
Sometimes you learn from the simplest things…like daylilies…
Get the lesson yet?
Oh, I hear you…time is fleeting…okay, you get points for that…but take it from this dog’s point of view…you only have this moment in time…
The daylily only has today. It shares its beauty with anyone who gazes upon it. The sun sets and the bloom is gone.
Share your moments wisely.
Y’all come back now!
Hi Y’all!
It’s once more time to round up the week and get ready for some fun stuff this weekend!
Our Blogville friend, Oz, came through again! He remembers the snake rhyme! “Hi Hawk! … Oh, I know about the snake rhyme and I think it is..."Red touches black, good for Jack...red touches yellow, not good for a fellow". Though we sometimes get confused as to which color is supposed/not supposed to touch each other.”
Thanks a billion, Oz!
Sampson and Delilah and their human, our host today (Heart Like a Dog) asked if the birds eat the poisonous snakes too?
Since snakes are part of their diet, and the big birds kill them first, I don’t know why they wouldn’t eat them even if they are poisonous.
All Things Collie asks if “my Mom is the photographer.”
Yes…although sometimes my Human Papa takes over the camera…but it’s usually my Human Mama.
Goose and Molly both asked what was in my yard? The post was We’re Back!
I showed everybody in black and white on Sunday…but in case you missed it…
With all the coyotes, foxes and bobcats around, we haven’t see any rabbits in awhile.
Sophie asks “Is that Jessica? Wabbit?”
Oh, maybe it is, maybe it is…
JoAnn Stancer wants to know if I like to chase the bunnies?
Oh, no. I’ve had them run between my front legs when we are hiking…no, I’m not allowed to chase anything. My Human says it is for my own protection. I get plenty of “retriever jobs”, so I’m okay with the “no chase” rule.
Oz the Terrier, regarding Spoil Sport, if the snake is a southern black racer like one he has in his back yard.
Water Moccasins occur naturally in the low country, I think this fellow was an Eastern green water snake. The water moccasins generally display their cottony mouth in a gapping grin. It is this display that warns you first that have earned the water moccasins the name cottonmouth.
Molly wanted to know what the bi-plane was doing in my neck of the woods?
I have no idea where it came from or where it was going or why. It sure was an unusual sighting!
Our friend, Oz had another couple of questions for me.
Who is the statue in your garden?
Just some woman carrying a jug of water.
And he thought my lights, ambiance lights, were hanging a bit low.
The lights are sagging, mostly on purpose, some are coming loose in the storms. Yes, they are ambiance lighting. We like to light the pier from time to time.
Flea wants to know if this is my Elvis look?
What do y’all think?
Y’all come back now!