Monday, March 7, 2011

Monday, Monday…


Hi Y’all,

Sunday was a funny day weather wise and other wise.  It started cloudy, but no rain ‘til after church services were complete.  The first shower was gentle and the Humans opened the doors to listen to nature.  Then the sun struggled with the clouds, but by now my Human Momma had begun baking bread.  She missed lots of drama as rain returned in waves and winds gusted above 40mph threatening to rip blossoms from the trees along with the tender new leaves.  As quickly as it arrived, the storm left and brilliant sun returned…but that was only to be a tease.  Soon the storm circled and returned, though with less violence.  Through all this Momma kept mixing up the flour, heating the oven…

Earlier as everyone was busy dressing a flock of 16 egrets assembled.  But everyone was busy and another photo op was missed.  The males get their plumes this time of year and their displays are beautiful.  My Human did get this picture of one of them.

Forsythia is full and some is already loosing its flowers.

Sunday night when my Human and I went out for our last “pee run” we heard the splash, like a belly flop, of a body into the water in the inlet  beside the house.  It was a small alligator that sort of hangs around and scares the people who care for the yard.  My Human looked at me to see if I was disturbed by the splash.  Since I wasn’t, she decided she wasn’t either. 

The Humans have lots of stuff to do today, so I guess I’ll nap.  See y’all later.


  1. Hmmmm. Don't small allygators become BIG ones? Our forsythia around here hasn't bloomed yet, but I just know spring is coming----sometime.

  2. What a day you all had!! Nice egret picture. We have them here, too, but our mom cannot get a photo of them to save her life!! Happy snoozing!

  3. Wow, an alligator!? Cool!

    We had a lot of rain yesterday too, but it's nice out today...just a bit muddy.

    Elyse and Riley

  4. Be careful of that alligator!


  5. We had a weird kind of sormy, on again off again, day yesterday as well...but no alligators. :)

  6. Gah! Our forsythia isn't even blooming yet!


  7. I think my mom's fur is still trying to dry!

    Great pikhs from your fun!


  8. I wonder if my raiser would let me have a alligator, as a pet??
    Wonderful pictures, looks like a great day!


  9. You know, I'm just loving your 'tails' about your daily adventures :) And y'all have some lovely photos. We wish we had some lil' ol' blossoms on the lil' ol' trees, here, in lil' ol' England.
    Take care and have fun! :)

  10. Kind of a good thing you missed meeting up with the alligator!! EKK!!

    You're way ahead of us in spring. Our Forsythia won't bloom for at least 2 more months!

  11. What a beautiful bird! I hope you and he say far away from the alligator. :(
