Saturday, July 21, 2012

Saturday Times

Hi Y’all!

The Humans and I awoke yesterday to the terrible and senseless destruction of lives in Aurora Colorado.  For all my friends and family both human and pawed who live in the area or Colorado, our prayers go out to you.

I’m ready!  Where am I going?


Stay tuned and find out soon!

Y’all come back now!






  1. The senselessness breaks my heart. There are some things I just dont understand

    Stop on by for a visit

  2. I googled about the terrible fire. We hope everybody's okay.

    We just dropped by to say hi Hawky. We can't wait to hear about your next adventure.

    Huggies and Cheese,


  3. Destination unknown Hawk? Have a great Saturday.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. We live in Aurora, but we were not at the movies that night. It will be a while before the city is over this shock.

    Have a good trip, you will not have to have a fan on your gate if you kept moving....

    Mogley G. Retriever

  5. Hey Hawk, Jet here.

    Dude, we echo your wishes for those in Aurora.

    Sorry we haven't been by in a while, some human stuff happened and Mom was a bit preoccupied.

    Hope you have a fun ride, can't wait to hear where you are going!

  6. Looks like you are all ready for your trip Hawk!

  7. That was such a horrible thing to happen at the movies in Aurora. Senseless. :(
