Hi Y’all!
Wanted to take a moment to share some of the other sights that fascinate me.
Like these reflections…
These storm clouds gathering…
Oh, and I found some of Goose’s sticks that managed to save themselves! Do y’all think maybe Bert helped them?
Time to get back to work!
Y’all come back now!
Hi Y’all!
It’s been really busy and hectic for the Humans. That means I get lots of time to rest up so I have plenty of energy to entertain them when they have time to spend with me.
Then there is wind and fallin’ temps left behind as Sandy roars up the coast.
My Human has had a wee bit of a headache, I suspect Sandy to be the culprit there.
My paws are crossed for those of you still in her path!
The Internet has not been at all co-operative either, so it’s been difficult getting posts posted. It’s also made it difficult to stop and visit with y’all. I just want to thank everyone for faithfully visiting me. I’ll be by as soon as I possibly can.
Y’all come back now!
Hi Y’all!
Dakota, at Dakota’s Den says my toy looks like fun and wants to come play!
Great idea Dakota! We can have a rousing game of tug!
Goose from Day in the Life of a Goose and Fred and Gloria from Bassett Momma ask “what is it?” It’s a Kong toy! Called a Kong Rope Squeezz! Check out my Kong Fun post (here). There are several posts during that period.
Amber DaWeenie asks about the green stuff in my mouth! Not spinach but grass!
Flea, don’t miss Jones Natural Chews, wants to know if my big coat means a “real winter”? Hmmm…I’m still shedding my summer coat…this coat is protection against cold water…so I can’t really answer that. You need to contact my Human and ask her about the caterpillars, though she’s been confused a wee bit by them this year.
Jodi at Heart Like a Dog, hey if you want to join in hop over and visit her…asks if it’s too cold to swim…not for awhile yet. Autumn and spring are the two safe times to swim ‘cause the gators aren’t that active.
Goose from the Gospel of Goose asked if I liked sticks. I prefer bumpers or toys but occasionally do carry one.
Elka from the Elka Almanac wanted to know if the toy squeaked. Yes, it does!
Dakota wanted to know if this toy was filled with something yummy. I’m afraid not. It has a squeaker! and a raccoon tail!
Jack Daddy wants to know where all the water came from…read on Jack! Kari in Vegas and KB and her dog Shyla wanted to know if I went swimming in the high waters. Fred and Gloria from Bassett Momma wanted to know if there were gators in the high spring waters. Those high waters are coming down from the mountains and are pretty cold. Gators like warmer water so, while we keep and eye out, they aren’t generally active. However, my Human doesn’t usually allow swimming in these waters because of sticks, logs and branches also floating along that could be dangerous if I was in their way.
Y’all come back now!
This collection has been deleted by its author
Hi Y’all,
I want you to meet Chief! Chief might be a senior but he has missed out on much in his life. He has lots of energy to play and loves to be loved.
Chief is only 9 human years old. All the “tough stuff” is done for you. He is well behaved, house trained and listens to your commands.
Chief is currently on a diet to lose his extra weight.
Stop by his site and check out the new video!
Chief would make an excellent family dog! To visit Chief, simply fill out an application, available at www.mosseyhollow.com and email it to us. For further information, email wilddogonline@gmail.com. The telephone number is 269-205-3646.
Wild Dog Rescue is located in Saugatuck, MI. Click on Chief’s name or picture to go to his Petfinder page. Check out Mosseyhollow and Wild Dog Rescue by clicking on their names.
Hope y’all can pass Chief’s name on the people who might be interested in adopting. Thanks!
Y’all come back now!
Hi Y’all!
I’m so busy havin’ fun!
Y’all come back now!
Hi Y’all!
I’m here sniffin’ out the low country weather forecast!
How does PERFECT sound? Yes, the weather is predicted to be PERFECT…not too HOT and not too COLD.
I’m busy enjoying it!
Y’all come back now!
Hi Y’all!
My reward!
Y’all come back now!
Hi Y’all!
Y’all come back now!
Hi Y’all!
I want to share some visions that greeted me upon my arrival back home at the shore.
Time to go have fun!
Y’all come back now!
Hi Y’all!
Blueberry’s Mom had a couple of questions for me regarding the changes. Sorry to say that I’m too big to have a brother or sister. My crate takes up the entire rear of the SUV. Here’s a hint:
A number people, including Blueberry’s Mom were aghast that I made y’all wait until today to find out. I just don’t want to skip sharing my blog on Thursday with dogs in need of a good loving forever home like I have. Sorry for the long suspense. Here’s a hint:
Sam also asked “what change”. Here’s a hint:
Jodi, Sampson’s person, asks “sometimes change is good?”. Oh yes,very good!
Molly the Wally, Fred and Gloria, Sugar and Shyla’s person, KB asked “what kind of bird?” She is a female rose breasted grosbeak.
Blueberry asked about my camera. It’s one of those new fangled digital super zooms.
Kol wanted to know if I was going to be a ghost dog on Halloween. Interesting idea Kol!
Y’all come back now!