Friday, October 12, 2012

Follow Up Friday!


Hi Y’all!






Time to answer your questions from this past week.

To start with the turkeys…Sugar, you asked if they make noises. 

They do make noises when calling their young to roost, or warnings to each other.  Like any other bird call, you need to learn to identify it.  However, when we see them out in the open feeding they are quiet.

Dakota asked if we have alligators…oh yes…

Fred and Gloria’s mom asked where the gators go in the winter.  They lay up in shallow pools, covered in water except for their head. 

Flea from Jones Natural Chews asks what kind of bird this is?

It is an Eastern Phoebe.

Goose wanted to know how I knew he’d be up “here”.

I just did!

Kim from Golden Pines asks, “you never know what will turn up when you’re out for an adventure, do you?”

You sure don’t!

Bart and Ruby asked if the birds above are turkey.  Yes they are.

Hope we didn’t miss anyone’s question!  If so, let me know! 


Y’all come back now.





  1. As always a great post. And I gotta tell ya MOM had a giggle and smile at the last two photos. Imitation is a sincere form of flattery.

  2. Woof! Woof! Interesting n Golden Thanks for the clarification. LOVE the last 2 photos. Happy Friday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  3. Nice one Hawk. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. Very interesting post and lovely bird photos. That alligator is scary though - I'm glad there's none of those round here :-) Have a fun weekend - woofs and licks from Magic xx

  5. I didn't know you had gators by you!
    Hope you have a great weekend!

  6. You alwasy make the perfect "Ending"

  7. ALLIGATORS?!? Way cool. I grew up near gators. Do you know how to call them?

  8. Great follow up. Hawk you sure can make yourself small to get under that branch. Or maybe its a fallen tree?

  9. Do you get to chase those turkeys? We would chase them! That would be so much fun!

    ~Scout, Teddy and Ash

  10. Great follow up Friday Hawk! I just love that black and white pic of you looking up! :)
