Hi Y’all!

Seems like I befuddled a bunch of y’all…That’s how I feel every time I get into the car and take off with the Humans!
On “The Weather Is Broken” Sam asks, “where are you heading?”
Molly asks “where are you Hawk?”
About “Travel is Fun” the gang at Wags and Woofs said they couldn’t tell what the bushes or trees were…

The photo above is a peach orchard where we sometimes stop this time of year.
About my post “Do You Know Yet”?
Dina, DogMom, Sam and Slim Doggy all said they didn’t know…
About “The Weather is Broken” the browndawgs said “are you back in the mountains?”.

Now, for Wordless Wednesday’s “Anticipation”…It wasn’t a question…but Jodi at Heart Like a Dog said “Throw the ball. Throw the ball! THROW THE BALL!! THROW. THE. BALL. NOW!!!”

Kari in Alaska asks “ is someone about to throw something?”
Not exactly…since my Human doesn’t usually have the luxury of having someone to help, I have to do a sit stay while my Human sets up bumpers. Some she hides and some she tosses so I can see them fall and mark them in my mind.

Once she puts all the bumpers out she returns to my side and sends me to retrieve each bumper. She does not always want me to bring them back in the same order I saw them fall. It’s a mentally challenging exercise. It’s also a great way for me to exercise and still have a chance to cool off.
Remember, your dog needs to use his brain as well as his muscles to be truly fit! Find something your friend likes and challenge him/her to more.
Now I have to be off to have some fun!

Y’all come back now!
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dog Chesapeake Bay Retriever photo blog,
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retriever photo blog,
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