Hi Y’all!
It’s happened again! Isn’t it wonderful to be recognized? I think so! So let me thank Talking Dogs (here) for our Award.
“Bright Flashes in the Blue Sky Award."

Originally bestowed upon Talking Dogs (here) by a blogger in the Czech Republic, Harlequin (here).
The following are the rules for accepting this award:
- Winners must post the award with rules on their blog.
- Winners must include a link to the person who gave them the award.
- Winners need to nominate 6 blogs for the award.
- Winners must leave a message on those 6 blogs to let them know they've won.
- Winners must describe what they dream or wish for most in the world.

For me the hardest part is picking only 6 blogs for this award.
Daveys Every Day Adventures is a puppy raiser for Southeastern Guide Dogs Inc. This blog is always exciting as you get to watch the puppy grow and experience training most puppies couldn’t imagine.
Growing a Guide Dog just got a new puppy to raise. You can follow from beginning to turn in for advanced training. It is not only quite an adventure but it gives you a greater appreciation for the dogs and a giant appreciation for the people who selflessly raise these pups for a little more than a year.
Brando and Bogart are two of the cutest Cavalier King Charles Spaniels.
In Training to Help is a blog about a service puppy in training. They go through a similar routine that guide puppies do. They get to experience lots of adventures.
Raising Patrick in College…Patrick is a CCI puppy in training. The tales of his days are related by Patrick himself. Patrick does lots of sleeping during class. Fortunately, these classes are for his raiser not him.
And everyone knows Rottrover, who is really more in need of lots of “paw power” right now, rather than this award. Since I’d wanted to give them the award before being aware of the need, I hope that “Bright Flashes in the Blue Sky Award" will bring a small bit of joy. I hope y’all will send them your “paw power” too.
Finally, I need to tell you my wish. I actually have lots of wishes…like for more treats, more rides, more travel…but my biggest wish is that people would love and care for their pets and be able to keep them through good times and bad. Shelters and rescues would no longer be needed.
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blog award