Monday, June 30, 2014

It’s All “Her” Fault!


Hi Y’all!




It’s time for Monday Mischief – The pet blog hop that wraps up the weekend! This Blog Hop is brought to you by Alfie’s Blog, Snoopy’s Dog Blog, and My Brown Newfies.


And today IT’S NOT MY DOING!!!

First, I had this comment about Friday’s Parade of Fitness post…

Jenna,Mark Drady said...

“Great photos as always, and I love your title! Pawfect!
(not to be a nit picker Hawk, but, I am also a co host to the pet parade) you left me out :(
No biggie, just saying...
Have a great weekend!!
ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!



It’s all “her”, my Human’s, fault.  She is the editor in chief.  Please accept my apology! 

We joined in the Pet Parade Blog Hop in addition to the Fitness Friday post.  We left Love is being owned by a husky! off as a co-host of the Pet Parade Blog Hop.



Then there was the fiasco with the feathery little creature above…Yep, that’s her fault too.  She should have settled for the photo of ME on Sepia Saturday.



Instead she put “the feathery little creature” in the post too!  Her idea! Not mine…after all, he photo bombed her photos of flowers, not of me!



And yesterday, Sunday, he took over the entire post!!!  with this photo…



On Sepia Saturday I had this comment…

Janet Keefe said...

The markings remind me of a rufous-sided towhee, but I don't think they have a ruffed head. Unless it's a juvenal?
Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets



You are so right! 

Y’all think I should forgive “Her” for choosing the feathery creature over me?




Y’all hurry back now!







Saturday, June 28, 2014

Special! Extra! Extra!


Hi Y’all!


‘Cause of our schedule I’m late posting this important info…



If you can still get your post entry in the Contest and Fundraiser Blog Hop, a $5 donation will be made to The Dog and Cat Cancer Fund.  To me it is very important to raise funds for the Cancer Fund.  What about y’all? 


If you can’t enter your post, please be sure to have your vet check your pet regularly.  If your pet stops acting like himself/herself, take him/her to the vet for a check.  Keep us healthy please.


Y’all come back now!








Guess What the Bird Is!


Hi Y’all!



Today I’m joining Sepia Saturday hosted by Ruckus the Eskie.   This is a blog hop to share your best sepia pics or videos!

Do y’all recognize this fellow in the photo below?




Y’all have a great weekend!  and hurry on back!






Friday, June 27, 2014

Parade of Fitness!


Hi Y’all!




Today I’m joining Slim Doggy, Peggy’s Pet Place and To Dog With Love in Fit Dog Friday blog hop!

I’m also joining the Pet Parade Blog Hop hosted by Rascal and Rocco and co-hosted by Jan's Funny Farm, Basil the Bionic Cat, Barking from the Bayou




 As you can probably tell, I don’t have a lot of energy in the evenings.  It must be HOT everywhere now.  Swimming is out of the question in most of the southeast and deep south this time of year.




Early in the morning when temperatures are still in the 70’s I’m feeling frisky. 





Still I wear out easily and the temperatures climb quickly into the 80’s.  The 90’s are common afternoon temperatures.  I only go out to pee mid-day.    






Y’all come back now!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)






Thursday, June 26, 2014

A Few Details About My World


Hi Y’all!




Today I’m joining Thursday’s Barks and Bytes Blog Hop hosted by 2 Brown Dawgs and Heart Like a Dog.

I’m also linkin’ up with Ruskus the Eskie in Thoughtless Thursday.


Now, to wrap up the week.

About last Friday’s post Parade Your Fitness.

Peggy Frezon said...

“Do you usually find it, or do you end up thinking about all those distractions? I bet you find it!”



I always find it!



Remember the post, Duck Duck Goose post? 

JoAnn Stancer said...

“what a clever post and great pictures. Lovely family of geese. Do you ever chase them? My gang would chase them all the time.”




Since we live in a Wildlife Preserve area and breeding ground I’m not allowed to chase.  I try once in awhile, but my Human quickly puts a halt to that, usually before I even start…sometimes she’s a mind reader. 

About Monday’s post It Ran Away

M. K. Clinton said...

“Surely they didn't doubt you Hawkeye! I mean, they didn't name you that for nothing! Haha! Do you eat the pears??”

Stacey van horn said...

“Glad you got your ball back! I'm sure your humans did not doubt you, they were just uncertain where it was. Looks like you are hiding behind that tree. Are you checking those pears out or eating them?”





I was just checking them…when they’re ripe I try to steal them and eat them the second I think my Human isn’t looking! 

Finally, about yesterday’s post

Amy Boyer said...

“What a wonderful world you live in Hawk. Baby geese are so sweet. Or is that a duck? We saw 3 baby ducks with their mama on our walk yesterday. Toby wanted to chase them, I wanted to cuddle them, but we both left them be of course”



Right the first time!  It’s a goosling.

easyweimaraner said...

“I love your colorful world! Are that hibiscus flowers? They are huge, wow! Have a super wednesday!”




Depending on the plant, hibiscus blooms are large or very large. 


This has been a very busy week for my Humans and myself.  Hope y’all had a great week. 

Y’all hurry back now!







Wednesday, June 25, 2014

My World in Living Color



Hi Y’all!



Today I’m joining Blog Paws Wordless Wednesday blog hop and sharing some photos of my world in all its splendor!



















Y’all come back tomorrow and join me when I wrap up my week, answer your questions and get ready for a fabulous weekend!  Hurry back now!







Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Kingston Isn’t in Jamaica…






I’m Kingston!


I’m 5 years young.  I’m a chocolate Lab, maybe mixed with Chesapeake Bay Retriever.



I would love to have a forever home.   Preferably a quiet home and one where you’d take me to obedience school with you so I could brush up on my commands and hopefully learn new ones!   I’m good at listening and obeying.  I love to play fetch!!!

I’m housetrained too.  Read all about me here.




I’ve got lots of “chocolate love” to give you if you would give me a home forever. 

For more information on this Lab, please contact

For more information on our adoption process. If you need additional information about the adoption process or whether you are in our coverage area, please send an e-mail to our Rescue at

Brookline Labrador Rescue
P.O. Box 638
Warrington, PA 18976
Phone: 215-343-6087 (leave msg)

(all information and photos courtesy of and Brookline Labrador Rescue)





Monday, June 23, 2014

Mischief! It Ran Away!


Hi Y’all!




Today I’m joining Alfie’s Blog, Luna Dogs Life and My Brown Newfies.for some good fun and mischief…






My ball ran away.  It’s down there…What do you mean you can’t see it!  It’s there I’m tellin’ you!




So my Human went around to the other side of the boat inlet and took these blurry photos.



And sure enough, there it was hiding under a root against the bank.



And so my Human Papa had my Human Mama fetch a rake and he rescued my runaway ball!!!  I bet it won’t try that again!

Now I need to get back to checking these pears for ripeness…



Y’all come back now!