Hi Y’all!

Another week and we’re only a few days from Christmas!

Been spending a lot of time retrieving the hidden bumpers. Next week maybe I’ll have more “action” shots for y’all.
Now to get to the questions…
Last Friday
Janet Keefe said...
I love your world, Hawk! That moon is beautiful and I just love seeing you romping around having so much fun! I see you have some cow buddies too, huh?
Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

And a warming sight…spring…

And some summertime pictures of some other big friends…

Saturday I focused on winter time beauty in color and followed with more beauty in black and white on Sunday.

After the weekend we came to Mischief Monday…where I tried to torment y’all with reminders of how fast Christmas is coming! Five days from now is Christmas day!!!

Oz theTerrier said... Hi Hawk!
Only 10 days until Christmas?!? Oh dawg, I better start wrapping gifts. I just love giving gifts, don't you?
*high paw*
Does this photo from Christmas 2009 answer you question?
Then on Wednesday’s post “Racing Toward Christmas”
Oz theTerrier said... Hawk, pal...you are running so fast you may just catch Christmas early! If you do, will you share your catch with us?!?
*high paw*
Dolly theDoxie said... Will running real fast make it get here sooner? Love Dolly
BOL! I’ll share Christmas with everybody! and yes, all the hurrying and racing about seems to fill the days to overflowing and they just disappear faster and faster!!!
Then we came to yesterday “Once Upon a Frosty Morn”…
SlimDoggy said... Hey Hawk - glad you got back into warmer weather? How many bumpers do they hide for you - sounds like a fun game!
I’m happy to be back at the shore, but not as happy as my Human…though she is never happy when we get an early frost.

As for the number of bumpers she hides, sometimes it’s just one, sometimes it’s a bunch and sometimes she puts piles in different spots then sends me to bring a bumper off of different ones…guess it depends on her mood or whim?
Sometimes she does the piles and then hides the dokken for me to fetch last. It’s always changing.
And before you ask, I don’t get to just go around sniffin’ for ‘em. She sends me to the spot where I’m supposed to fetch one.

Just retrieving and returning isn’t enough…I must place whatever I retrieve in her hand.

These exercises are good mental stimulation for your retriever. Remember we need jobs and discipline. Not to mention the exercise burns calories.
You don’t have to use bumpers, you can use toys or balls or whatever you have that your dog likes.

Y’all come back now!
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