Sunday, May 31, 2015
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Friday, May 29, 2015
Work Around
Hi Y’all!
Time to see if this work around works and I can join up with Slim Doggy, Emma from MyGBGV Life and To Dog With Love in Fit Dog Friday blog hop!
It’s also time for the Pet Parade Blog Hop hosted by Rascal and Rocco and co-hosted by Jan's Funny Farm, Basil the Bionic Cat, Barking from the Bayou, and Love is being Owned by a Husky!
Those of you who use blogger and live writer know that blogger has a 2 step verification. It’s always worked fine. We just get a new code when the Human made a routine change to passwords…well…this time it tells me “blog not found”.
I did a very naughty thing. I’ll tell y’all about on Mischief Monday. In the meantime, I’m banished from the pier.
As for exercise, most of the time I carry a ball or bumper around.
If I lay it down, my Human sends me to find it. In the evening it’s too hot to even run to find it. Often I don’t carry anything in the evening.
Stay cool and y’all come on back!
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Howdy folks, my name is Buddy.
I’m looking for a new family to take me for walks and play ball. Then in the evening, let me cozy up for a nap on your bed. That would wind up my perfect dream day!
I’m loving and affectionate. You’ll still think I’m a youngster. Also, I get along with all sizes and breeds of dogs.
Am I the one you’re looking for? I hope so!
Williamson County Regional Animal Shelter
1855 SE Inner Loop
Georgetown, TX 78626
Phone: 512-943-3322
Dogs and cats are available for adoption for $85.00 on any day we are open to the public. All animals are spayed and neuterd and current on all vaccinations, heartworm or FIV/FeLV tested , and microchipped.
(All information and photos courtesy of and Williamson County Regional Animal Shelter)
Monday, May 25, 2015
Have a Blessed Memorial Day U.S.A.
Sunday, May 24, 2015
Whose That?
Saturday, May 23, 2015
Sights of Summer in the South!
Friday, May 22, 2015
Fitness Isn’t Easy in the Summer
Hi Y’all!
Today I’m joining Slim Doggy, Emma from MyGBGV Life and To Dog With Love in Fit Dog Friday blog hop!
I’m also joining the Pet Parade Blog Hop hosted by Rascal and Rocco and co-hosted by Jan's Funny Farm, Basil the Bionic Cat, Barking from the Bayou, and Love is being Owned by a Husky!
After another day of 90 degree plus heat. I can tell y’all, I’m quittin’ now and going inside to lay in the air-conditioning the remainder of the day.
Y’all come on back now!
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Here’s Thoughtfully Barkin’ at You (Squirrel Warning)
Hi Y’all!
Today I’m joining Thursday’s Barks and Bytes Blog Hop hosted by 2 Brown Dawgs and Heart Like a Dog.
I’m also linkin’ up with Ruckus the Eskie and Love is Being Owned by a Husky in Thoughtless Thursday.
Parade of Fitness brought this remark from:
“We had some of those SUDDENLY SUMMER ... Hot days too..... No fun to play when it is THAT hot. RIGHT?”
Right! Above I’m askin’ myself “do I really want to pick this up?”.
Sepia Saturday’s Summer in the South…
Janet Keefe asked…
“I love when you have some of the same birds down there as we have up here! That looks like the larger Hairy woodpecker, do you have the smaller Downy ones too?
Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets”
The bill didn’t quite look right for the Hairy. I’m not sure which he is. Downy Woodpeckers are everywhere in the U.S. Hairy Woodpeckers are in much of the U.S. with a couple of exceptions which includes part of Texas.
Since we’re in the southeast, both are common here.
We also have red headed woodpeckers, red bellied, pileated and flickers as well as sapsuckers.
Monday Mischief titled Mischief Thursday prompted this question…
There was lots of curiosity about the diet the cardinal Love Birds were eating.
NC Sue asked…
“What are you feeding these guys? They look like they're having a feast! I've never seen a feeder like this. Did you make it yourself or find it for sale? I find it intriguing.
Thanks for linking up at These are great shots!”
Oz theTerrier had the same query…
“Oh Hawk, we just LOVE cardinals!!! We are curious...what are you feeding them? We have a wonderful little pair in the backyard and would love to put something out for them.
I’m feeding them orange halves and melon seeds from my Humans’ breakfast.
MyDog Likes wonders…
“What a cool feeder! Do the squirrels stay out of it!?”
Whether or not the squirrels have access depends on the pole you use to hang your feeder and where you locate it. I suggest using a raccoon baffle, not a squirrel baffle. Also, keeping it away from overhanging branches or shrubs helps.
We don’t put the feeder in the open because of the raptors that feast on squirrels and rabbits. Until the last couple of years, we’ve had no squirrels or rabbits.
My Human ordered the feeder from a catalog before my time. It was to feed the orioles. You put fruit on the one side and, if you’re trying to attract orioles, mulberries or blueberry jelly works great.
Y’all come on back now!
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Love Birds
Hi Y’all!
Y’all hurry on back!
Join BlogPaws Wordless Wednesday here…